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Hart's Testimonial

Being an effective teacher takes a lot of hard work and dedication, and picking a school outside of your home country that allows you to succeed is a daunting and cumbersome task. Much consideration goes into figuring out where you want to go and what kind of school you are looking for. JESIE offered me everything I expected as an employer. The reasons why I chose JESIE could fill up an entire chapter if I were to write a book about it. However, the biggest reasons why I chose JESIE are the support I get from being a foreign teacher, and the tools they offer to help you succeed. Ever since I was with JESIE this past year, I have truly grown as a professional teacher. The staff, management, and peers are extremely supportive in helping you succeed. If you want to develop as a professional teacher while having the time of your life, JESIE is the right choice for you. 

I think JESIE is a model example of how an educational institution should operate. They have professional teachers that collaborate together to make sure everyone succeeds. They offer good pay, excellent housing options, and key methods to help you educate the students under your instruction. As a foreigner, anything you need professionally or personally can be taken care of by their staff that is more than willing to help. If you truly want to experience the time of your life, take a dive and try teaching over here in China!

My work and my personal life here at JESIE has been a phenominal experience. I have met friends that I would have never imagined meeting, and have developed relationships that will last me a lifetime. Doing what you love and having a team of teachers that are more than willing to support you every step of the way is arguably the best educational institution you can sign on for. Not only will you grow professionally, but you will also discover potentials about yourself you never thought you had, and you will be able to do things that you thought you weren't capable of. The only request you should hold yourself to is try to learn the Chinese language, and put yourself out there. You will be amazed at the opportunities that will open up for you. 

I have worked many different jobs in my life, and plenty of them I didn't like. I'm sure you, dear reader, have had the same experience. I've worked in construction, was a chef, and even served in the Navy. I have had employers that loved to scream and yell, and have had other employers that were really lax at their job. However, that's all that they were to me; jobs. When comparing and contrasting to JESIE, however, I can now say that this is my career. This is an educational institution where I can plant my roots and grow with the school. They offer great pay, great benefits, promotions, and opportunities to further your educational and professional career. It's true that schools in America offer the same standards of care; however being out here in another country offers a plethora of opportunities and skills that will last you your entire life. This is why, to everyone including myself that works at JESIE, it's divorced from this idea of being merely a job. Fundamentally, that's what makes JESIE a great school to work for.