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John's Testimonial


I came to China directly after graduating University in the United States. I had studied linguistics and Mandarin, so teaching in China seemed like the best way to utilize my degree. I initially chose a program would allow me to be trained in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and thus circumvent the law stating that teachers in China need two years of experience. I had a good time and learned a lot about teaching. The problem with that program was that it offered no opportunities for advancement; they brought you to China and more or less left you to fend for yourself. That is what makes JESIE different than them. JESIE is a well-organized company with an excellent reputation and plenty of opportunities for professional development. Additionally, they work with the best schools in Nanjing and are conveniently located in the heart of the city. Perhaps best of all, JESIE has a cohort of Chinese staff to assist whenever any problems arise. All in all, I am proud to be a teacher with JESIE and I feel good about my future career as a teacher.