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Wuxi March Meeting

JESIE's Wuxi teachers got together on Friday, 24th of March, to join Academic Director Val for the monthly meeting.


Teachers shared their general experience of the last month, with several teachers reporting that issues arising at their schools had been successfully resolved, and others reporting how supportive their schools had been in obtaining medical treatment.


Next up for discussion were the monthly observations, with all the teachers explaining what they had learned from watching colleague's classes, and sharing insights on how the classes could have been improved. Some lessons were drawn from the experience, such as the importance of coordinating with local teachers to support their teaching, the importance of PowerPoints or flashcards in language presentation, setting clear routines to reinforce classroom management, and the importance of developing a working rapport with the students.


Also discussed were the deadlines for teachers to submit resources they had used, with a view to assembling an online bank of materials accessible to all JESIE teachers. Practical measures for submitting the material were discussed and agreed. Other deadlines under discussion were the articles on teaching and learning that all teachers are required to contribute to the website.


The group then raised questions about practical measures for the end of term, whether in renewing contracts or departing for pastures new. It was a very efficient and productive meeting for all concerned. Once again, thanks to Wangzhuang Primary School for the use of their palatial meeting room and their usual generous hospitality.